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I know, here we are talking about Taylor Momsen, but what I say here, as I have said in other social networks to make people reflect on how badly we are Italians. I came back, along with a friend, from a training session for the fight done with the katana ... It was evening and we decided to go to a bar where there's often live music (I even years ago I played in that spot). There was the manager's daughter, who had just finished work and before she went, she was gone from us to say goodbye. About ten minutes later, my friend and I we left and passing in the alley near a, we have come across a pretty ugly scene, a guy was abusing the girl, and we've helped to defend. Next, we called the police and making the identikit of the criminal, we learned that he was the son of a prominent man in town. Today the police told us that they could not do anything without a test makes sense. Now I come to the point, today is the World Day of violence against women, it is meaningless if even the great men, who should change the world, transgress without exemplary punishment? To you the comments ...

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It 'nice to hear that I'm not the only one who thinks the poor people of Sierra Leone, which for a senseless carnage, called "bloody diamonds' war", they should pray to God to live or be able to see their loved ones for a day more. This is also called a war too, I call it the "slaughter of pigs", because those who do what they do to those poor people are just pigs. And 'the media talks about it too little or at least here in Italy, they don't talk, then I don't know if they speak elsewhere. And I absolutely agree with you, Julian, when you talking about the verbal violence, which unfortunately is a growing phenomenon on the Internet. And speaking of verbal, you will also psychological, which subjects many people who fail to respond and have even afraid to talk. That said however, I must say that, thank God, there is no black if there is white. Violence can not exist without peace and peace can not exist without violence, but it takes a balance between the two. Do not get me wrong, I'm not justifying the killers or criminals, but I say that the human mind does not appreciate peace if they did not know the violence.

Julian Alexander Terris said:
Violence is abhorrent -in any form (-in war it may be necessary) -but of course it's even more despicable when it's perpetrated on women -and worse still -children. We live in a world where examples of violence abound -It's not only an "Italian" thing. I believe that peace and love actually begins within our hearts -and if you want to live in a more peaceful world you have to begin by cleansing your own heart -and that's actually an ongoing process -prayer is great -actually so are tears :)

I think too that "violence" is often invisible -take the squaller and servitude in the diamond mines of Sierra Leone for instance -that is an example of economic slavery no less brutal that physical violence. Then of course there is verbal or written violence -in the internet age it's possible to be extremely violent anonymously (of course -as with terrorism -only a coward can do this)-and of course there is the cuts that the tongue creates.

I think we have to change the way we relate, -but also the way we think about each other -firstly in fact. I love women and children-I love people :) I believe in trying to love everyone-as the bible says. Interesting topic Johan :)

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