Thunderball is the fourth film of the Bond series and one of the best about 007 agent. Even nowadays it is one of the most interesting stories from Bond history, with a wonderful visual picture with charm and pure beauty of the
Bahamas and amazing submarine photography; the next parts of the serial tried to repeat the success, but attempts to attain the same splendid underwater battles failed
As for music, Tom Jones performed a real bondish song Thunderball. 007 agent is compared with a thunder in this obviously felicitous soundtrack; drawling melody which accompanies Bonds investigation of islands on a helicopter is very successfully picked up: it makes one feel a real melancholy.
Agent 007 is conspicuous with his beauty and power. He fought, fooled enemies, seduced the killer-woman, who wanted to kill him, and won a sweetheart, who previously was the passion of his enemy. In fact, it is the usual way of life for James Bond. If one decided to write a
custom assignment about main clichés of the Bond serial, he/she would distinct such stages as punishment of the main villain and explosion of his super-car or ship, return of nuclear weapons, saving a huge megapolis, and spectacular flying with an enamored girl. They may be lifted up on a rope with the help of helicopter or something in the same vein. Well, maybe in future, I will devote my ironic
academic paper writing to this subject.
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