Well, my name is Justine but everybody calls me June.
I'm sixteen and I live in a very small town next to Paris :)
I love a lot of simple things like... when the weather is good, when i'm watching a good movie or listening the song of a great artist, being with my friends...
I don't like a lot of things too ^^
My Page:
http://twitter.com/WildChildJuneMy favorite...
movies: Juno, Garden State, Into The Wild, The Dard Knight, Revolutionary Road...
books: "The Host" by Stephenie Meyer
food: Indian's food
colours: Blue, Red and Black
towns: London, Paris, Oxford, Berlin... NY?
*I don't know yet, i'm leaving only next year there (:*
songs: "Somewhere only we know" by Keane, "Best Sunday Dress" by Hole, "Rape Me" by Nirvana, "Uprising" by Muse, "Dancing Queen" by ABBA
and series: Gossip Girl, Doctor House, HIMYM, The Vampire Diaries...
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